Saturday, November 27, 2010

“Why did Jesus wash the disciples' feets?”

I your Lord and Teacher have just washed your feet. You, then, should wash one another feet.
John 13: 14

Before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world to the end. As to symbolize the gospel of remission of sins, He meaningfully poured out water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and wiped them with towel. Then He came to Simon Peter, and Peter said to Him, “Lord, are you washing my feet?” Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will know 
later (John 13.)” Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!” Jesus said to him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with me.” Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!” Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.” For He knew who would betray Him;

therefore He said, ‘You are not all clean.’ So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, ‘Do you know what I have done to you?’ You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.’”
Why did Jesus wash Peter’s feet? Jesus knew that Peter would soon deny Him three times and that he would continue to sin in the future. After Jesus went up to Heaven, if, His disciples had had any sin left in their heart, they would not have been able to be united with Jesus. But Jesus knew all of His disciples’ weaknesses and He didn’t want their sins to come between Him and His disciples. Therefore, He needed to teach them that all their iniquities had already been washed away and wanted them to make sure that they would stand firm on the gospel of His baptism and also, the complete remission of all their lifelong sins. That was the reason why He washed His disciples’ feet before His crucifixion. John 13 talks about the perfect salvation. While washing their feet, Jesus told them about the wisdom of the gospel of His baptism through which all men could be washed of their trespasses.

Do not be deceived by the devil in the future. I have taken away all your sins with my baptism in the Jordan River and I shall take the judgment for them on the Cross. Then, I shall be resurrected from the dead and fulfill the salvation of being born again for all of you. To teach you that I have already washed away even your future sins, to teach you the original gospel of the remission of sins, I am washing your feet before my crucifixion. This is the secret of the gospel of being born again. You should all believe thus.” And have complete salvation.

He was worried that Peter might not be able to come to Him because of all his future sins, (in other words, the sins of his flesh in the future). Jesus washed their feet so that the devil couldn’t take away the disciples’ faiths. Later, Peter came to understand why. Jesus prepared the way so that anyone who believed in the water of His baptism and blood might be redeemed of his sons forever. In John 13, the words He spoke while washing His disciples’ feet are recorded. They are very important words that only the born-again can truly understand. The reason why Jesus washed His disciples’ feet after the Passover feast was to help them realize that He had already washed away all their lifelong sins. Jesus said, “Why I am washing you feet you do not understand now, but you will know later.” We should all know and believe in the baptism of Jesus, which has washed away all our sins and iniquities. The baptism of Jesus at the Jordan was the gospel of the passing of sins by the laying on of hands by Baptist John. We should all believe in the words of Jesus. He took away all the sins of the world through His baptism and accomplished the remission of sins by being judged and crucified on the Cross. The Remission of All Our Lifelong Trespasses Was Fulfilled with the Baptism and the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Have you known that the devil tries to deceive the righteous in order to make them sinners again? Jesus knew well that, after He was crucified, resurrected and went up to Heaven, the devil and the propagators of the untrue faith would come and try to deceive the disciples. We can see by the testimony of Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” that he believed in Jesus. But still, Jesus wanted to remind Peter once more to keep the gospel of the remission of sins in mind. He wanted to teach it once more to Peter, the disciples and even to us who would come later. Whenever the disciples of Jesus sinned, the devil would tempt and condemn them, saying, “Look! If you still commit sins, how can you say that you are without sin? You have not been saved. You are merely a sinner.” To prevent that kind of infection, Jesus told them that their faiths in the baptism of Jesus had already washed away all their lifelong sins-past, present, and future.

You all know that I was baptized! The reason I was baptized at the Jordan was to wash away all you lifelong sins, as well as the original sin of humankind. Are you able to understand now why I was baptized, and why I; have to be crucified and die on the Cross?” Jesus washed His disciples’ feet to show them that He had taken away all their daily sins through His baptism, and that He would take the judgment for them on the Cross. Now, you and I have been redeemed of all our sins by our faiths in the gospel of Jesus’ baptism and blood, which enables us to receive the remission of all our sins. Jesus was baptized and crucified for us. He has washed away all our sins with His baptism and blood. Anyone who knows and believes in the gospel of the atonement of sins and who believes in the truth is redeemed of all his/her sins.

Then, what should the born-again do after being saved? They have to admit their sins everyday and believe in the salvation of the baptism and blood of Jesus, the gospel of the atonement for all their sins. The gospel of the remission of sins is what we, the born-again, should deeply impress on our minds. Just because you sin again, does that mean that you are sinned again? No. Knowing that Jesus took away all our sins, even for the future sins, so how could we become sinners again? The baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross was the gospel of the atonement for all our lifelong sins. Anyone who believes in this original gospel of the remission of sins can be born-again, without exception, as ‘a righteous person.’
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How one should become a fellow-chiristian

John the Baptist said, “Turn away from your sins and be baptized, and God will forgive your sins.” Luke 3:3

Many people think that they become a Christian by living a Christian Life. In fact, it’s not true at all! But we can become a Christian, only when the following events take place in us:

(1) When a person realizes that he is sinful, lost, blind and naked before God.
(2) When he acknowledges that he cannot save himself by good character of good works.
(3) When he believes that the Lord Jesus Christ died as his substitute on the cross.
(4) When he acknowledges and trusted Jesus Christ as his only Lord and Savior.

All men were sinned from the time of Adam and Eve. No one is good and not even a single person does the right by the sight of the Lord. Everyone has gone away from the Lord God and sins to the Lord. Since the Lord God found not a single point to please to us, all humankind were no more joined or separated from God and lost completely. Therefore we were blinded and cannot see and call unto the Lord for help and protection; also, we even couldn’t see that we were in naked before God.

As we know that all humankind were lost completely from the Lord God, we are no more worthy to inherit the Kingdom of God. Even, by trying the best character of good works, there is neither chance nor anyway to save our lives and bring back to God’s children. So we therefore realized that all humankind were totally out of God’s grace and worn-out for the Lord God.

For all these reasons, Jesus came down from Heaven to Earth to save the world. He has been taken away our sins with His baptism in the Jordan River and took the judgment on the cross. After having baptism of our sins, He resurrected from the death-grave with an everlasting life (new life: eternal life) and fulfill the salvation of being born again. Now sitting at the right side of the Almighty God to pray/plead for us and making room for you and me. So, now my Christian fellow, be felt free that you are totally freed/unchained from Satan’s dungeon (the prison/jail of Satan), as the Lord God cannot sees your sins any more because of the blood that spurted out on the cross from the side of Jesus cleanse/nullify all the sins of the whole world including our sins. [“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in union with Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 “And without the shedding of blood there is no remission” Hebrews 9:22].

Now you can reach to the Lord God with the union of our Lord Jesus Christ, by believing and trusting the original gospel-the baptism of Jesus and His blood, and His Divinity that He had done for you and I. Behold! My Christian fellows the separated/broken bridge from Heaven to Earth is now joined by Jesus Christ. Those whoever believe in Him were proclaimed the son of the Living God by the Lord God Almighty. We are heartiest thankful to our God, for we are his sons and became the heir of His heavenly kingdom. Amen!!!

This is how a person becomes a Christian, only when we know that we are sinful, lost, blind and worn-out for the Lord and cannot save ourselves by good characters of good works, and started believing and trusting Jesus Christ as his only Lord and Savior. Who crucified and died on the cross and shedding His blood for the remission of the sins of the whole world and resurrected from the grave with the Everlasting Life. Therefore, that he who believes in Him and His completion of salvation had already, the New Life (everlasting life). God bless you with understanding. Amen!!!
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Advice to young people

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

Did you ever think young life, how it is? Our philosopher, who was recorded in the bible, King-Solomon said, young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart’s desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do. So, don’t let anything worry you for you are not going to be young very long.

And now, remember your creator while you are still young, before those dismal days and yours come when you will say, “I don’t enjoy life.” That is when the light of the sun, the moon, and the stars will grow dim/dark for you, and the rain, clouds will never pas away. Then your protected arms will tremble, and your strong legs will grow weak. Your teeth will be too few to chew your food, and your eyes will be too dim to see clearly. Your ears will be deaf to the noise of the street. You will be afraid of high places, and walking will be dangerous. Your hair will turn white.

The time of all these suffering is too nigh / near, for young life will be gone soon within no time. When all these happened, we might know that we are going to our final resting place. And as the bible said, “At the last our bodies will return to the dust of the earth, and the breath of life will go back to God, who gave it to us.” And after all these the God, Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth is going to judge everything we do, whether good or bad, even things done in secret.

Now, my dear fellow, what’s your concept about young life? For me life is really useless and all things in the world are vanity for even after facing such a hard way to find comforting words. The only word found out as a comforting word is HONEST.

Therefore, after all these, there is only one thing to say: “Have reverence for the Lord (i.e. acceptable for the Lord by honesty / holiness for God or in the sight of God), and obey his commands, because this is all that man was created for.”
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God always sides his people

In truth, there is an Almighty God,
Hi is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and now also called our God.
He is faithful to his word.
Never failed, the plans he made long ago!

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Brief Story Of Christmas

Luke 2: 1-20

This is a brief birth story of the Lord Jesus Christ in the city of Judaea. He is the Lord, of the linage of King David, who is the son of the Most High God, Almighty. He was born of a virgin mother, Mary, as the espoused wife of Joseph. He was the man from Galilee, who came to save the world but the world did not know him that he is really the son of the Most High God, who is hundred percent of God and hundred percent of human being.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Picture of Peace...........

There once was a King who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The King looked at all the pictures, but there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Doing Unto Others....................

“Do for others just what you want them to do for you.”

Luke 6:31
By observing today-world, we can find out the astonishing behaviors of Humankind. For, most people are acting impolitely or uncaring toward others and created many problems in many places, on the roadway or airway with drivers, passengers, at home, at work place, colleges etc... So, here in, 1Peter 3:8, 9) said, “You must all have the same attitude and the same feelings; love one another as brothers, and be kind and humble with one another.
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